We all have a purpose, a dream, and goals that demands greatness of us.
And this greatness calls us to step so far out of our comfort zone we have no choice but to embrace hard, difficult, and scary challenges.
But it’s not easy, it never is.
Sometimes you need a push.
That’s why we’re here.
Sometimes you don’t know the next step.
That’s why we’re here.
Sometimes you just need to see that it’s possible.
That’s why we’re here.
Sometimes you just need to say, I do hard things and get on with it (and you definitely know, that's why we're here).
The problem is that your world is filled with doubt...
You're surrounded by people who just don't get it...
You have the list in your head of the reasons why it just won't work, why you can't pull it off, why you're not smart enough, experienced enough, strong enough...
I want to help you show the world, and that voice of doubt in your head, that you have what it takes to make your high hopes happen.

Each week we share untold stories, advice, and the lessons learned from the most interesting and inspiring entrepreneurs, athletes, and creatives.
People who faced their fears, taking big risks, and chasing down their dreams.
People who pursued their passions at all costs - above the safety of a normal life, or chasing material wealth, or the status symbols we're told will make us happy.
People who had the courage to bet on themselves, even when no one else would have.
This is a show for the truly ambitious and creative.
This is a show for you.
3.4 million
Views on YouTube
Guests featured
Of this year's audio downloads are in USA, Canada & UK
Of 3-month rolling YouTube views are in USA, Canada & UK

The Guest List Includes
Vishen Lakhiani - CEO of Mindvalley
Debbie Millman - Writer, designer, educator, artist, brand consultant, host of the Design Matters podcast
Charley Boorman - TV Presenter who road around the world on motorcycles with his mate, Ewan McGregor, in the Long Way Around series
Rand Fishkin - Founder of Moz, author of Lost and Founder, CEO of Sparktoro
Dan Millman - Author of Way of the Peaceful Warrior
Dr. Anna Lembke - Stanford professor, author of Dopamine Nation
Les Brown - Motivational speaking legend, author
Mirna Valerio - Endurance runner, body image advocate, author
Evan Carmichael - YouTuber, author of Your One Word, Built To Serve, and Momentum
Anthony Trucks - former NFL Athlete, American Ninja Warrior, host of the Aww Shift podcast
James "Iron Cowboy" Lawrence - endurance athlete who completed 101 Ironmans in 101 days
Apollonia Ponti - Male dating and relationships expert and coach
Jeff Lerner - Founder of ENTRE Institute
Leah Goldstein - World Kickboxing Champ, former Israeli Commando Instuctor, Ultra Endurance Cyclist
Jenn Lim - Founder and bestselling author of Beyond Happiness and CEO of Delivering Happiness, a company she and Tony Hsieh (the late CEO of Zappos.com) cofounded
Dotsie Bausch - Cyclist, Olympic silver medalist, advocate for plant-based diets
Chris Van Vliet - Television/radio personality, YouTuber, professional film critic, entertainment reporter
Clint Emerson - Retired Navy SEAL with 20+ years of service, known for the 100 Deadly Skills YouTube series
Sterling Hawkins - Entrepreneur, speaker, and author of Hunting Discomfort
Scott Stabile - Writer, speaker and love activist, author of Big Love
Sean Swarner - 2x terminal-cancer survivor who has completed the Explorer's Grand Slam: reaching the North Pole, South Pole, and climbing the Seven Summits (Everest, Aconcagua, Denali, Kilimanjaro, Elbrus, Vinson, and Puncak Jaya or Kosciuszko)
Nick Bradley - Business scaling & exit expert who has built, bought, and sold 26 businesses with a combined valuation of over $5bn
Leon Logothetis - TV host, author, traveler, known for The Kindness Diaries
Amberly Lago - former LA fitness model and personal trainer, who at 38, was hit by a SUV, requiring 34 surgeries to save her leg from amputation
Josh Linkner - Tech entrepreneur, VC, innovation expert, founder of ImpactEleven
John Foley - Former lead solo pilot of the Blue Angels, flew in the movie Top Gun
Ashley Heller - Pro Spartan OCR, college professor
Josh York - Founder GYMGUYZ, host of Fuel Your Drive podcast
Suki Atwal - Cellular & molecular biologist turned Amazing Race contestant
Errol Doebler - Retired Navy SEAL, International Terrorist Organizations FBI investigator, FBI SWAT team, author of The Process, Art, and Science of Leadership, founder of Leader 193
Kelly Carlin - Radio host, screenwriter, actress, daughter of legendary comedian George Carlin
A.J. Jacobs - Editor at large for Esquire, New York Times best-selling author
Lisa Bilyeu - Founder of Quest Nutrition, author of Radical Confidence
Youssef Kerkour - BAFTA Breakthrough award-winning British actor, starring in the TV series Home, and featured in Ridley Scott's House of Gucci alongside Jered Leto, Lady Gaga, Adam Driver and Al Pacino
Tony Horton - Creator of P90X, TV presenter
Zach Bitter - Ultramarathon runner, former world record holder of 100-mile run and 12-hour run
James Altucher - hedge-fund manager, author, podcaster, entrepreneur
Dr. David Spiegel - Stanford professor, leading expert in hypnosis
Dr Benjamin Hardy - World's leading expert on the application of the future self science
Katie Hoff - Olympic medalist, former world record-holder in swimming
David Meltzer - Sports marketing legend, speaker, author
Julia Cameron - Creator of The Artist's Way and morning pages
Jason Redman - Retired Navy SEAL who made national headlines surviving an intense ambush, author of Overcome: Crush Adversity with the Leadership Techniques of America's Toughest Warriors
Philip VanDusen - Accomplished creative leader with two decades of experience in strategic branding, graphic design and product development for some of the world's largest brands
Dr. Joanne Cacciatore - Professor at Arizona State University, her area of research and practice is traumatic grief
Pamela Bardhi - Real estate investor, coach, podcaster
Saul Blinkoff - Hollywood Filmmaker (Disney, Dreamworks, Netflix), animator
Azhelle Wade - "The Toy Coach," 3x patented award-winning inventor
Simon Duffy - Founder of Bulldog Skincare, a $100m+ revenue consumer brand, founder of Waken Mouthcare
Sebastian Junger - Journalist, #1 New York Times Bestselling author, and filmmaker who has reported in-the-field on dirty, dangerous and demanding occupations and the experience of infantry combat
Tracy Litt - Founder of The Litt Factor, certified mindset coach, rapid transformational therapist, speaker, author
Dave Hollis - Former Disney executive, author, speaker, ex-husband of Rachel Hollis
Johnny Wimbrey - Inspirational speaker, motivator, sales training professional
Tanya Dalton - Productivity expert, author, speaker
Steve Sims - Founder of the luxury concierge service Bluefish, a company that makes once in a lifetime events happen for the rich and famous
Brian Schudamore - Founder of 1-800-GOT-JUNK?
Jason Harris - CEO of Mekanism, a San Francisco-based creative agency, author of The Soulful Art of Persuasion
Jeff Fenster - Serial entrepreneur, founder & CEO of everbowl
Stephen Scoggins - Serial entrepreneur who went from homeless, to $100-million, to almost loosing everything to employee embezzlement, to regain control and rebuild
Sonja Wieck - Endurance athlete featured on Amazon's World's Toughest Race, Eco-Challenge Fiji, 18x Ironman
Get featured
on MY podcast!
If you're an entrepreneur, athlete, or creative professional (or represent one) that:
Has done some badass things, having made big, bold moves while betting on yourself
Isn't afraid to get real, real quick, knowing that we want to have a fun conversation
Is on a mission to help others learn from your story and the hard lessons learned
Wants exposure to our growing tribe of dreamers turned doers...
Complete the application form now!